Dos suicidas causan al menos doce muertos en la república rusa de Daguestán

Solo dos dias de diferencia separan este nuevo atentado perpetrado por dos suicidas causando al menos doce muertos en la república rusa de Daguestán, del atentado cometido en el metro de Moscú,

* Entre los muertos hay nueve policías.
* Primero se accionó un explosivo, cuando los policías acudieron al lugar otro terrorista suicida detonó la segunda bomba.
* Han pasado dos días desde el atentado en el metro de Moscú.
Al menos doce personas murieron este miércoles, nueve de ellas policías, en dos atentados suicidas perpetrados en la ciudad Kizlyar, en la república norcaucásica de Daguestán, que causaron también al menos 27 heridos, informó la Fiscalía rusa.

De los 27 hospitalizados, ocho se encuentran en estado grave, según fuentes de la administración de Kizliar, localidad donde se cometieron los atentados.

La primera explosión se produjo a las 08.42 hora local (06.42 GMT), cuando agentes de la policía de tráfico detuvieron un coche para su registro. El conductor del vehículo accionó un artefacto explosivo que mató a dos policías, así como a una mujer que se encontraba en las inmediaciones.

Quince minutos más tarde, cuando ya habían llegado al lugar de la explosión efectivos del ministerio de Situaciones de Emergencia, bomberos y una brigada operativa, otro terrorista suicida, vestido de policía, hizo explotar un segundo artefacto que mató a siete agentes.

Las explosiones se registraron a unos 300 metros de unos edificios del Ministerio del Interior y del Servicio Federal de Seguridad y de un instituto de educación secundaria.

El ministro del Interior, Rashid Nurgalíev, ordenó reforzar las medidas de seguridad en las principales infraestructuras y en los lugares más concurridos de Daguestán.

El jefe del Estado ruso, Dmitri Medvédev, que fue informado del curso de la investigación por el presidente daguestaní, Magomedsalam Magómedov, ordenó prestar toda la ayuda necesaria a los familiares de los fallecidos y asistencia médica y material a los heridos.

Campaña de antentados

El pasado enero, otros seis policías murieron y catorce personas resultaron heridas, entre ellas diez agentes, en un atentado suicida en Majachkalá, capital de Daguestán, uno de los principales blancos de la guerrilla islámica en el Cáucaso del Norte.

Los ataques terroristas de en Daguestán tiene lugar dos días después de que dos mujeres suicidas causaran 39 muertos al explotar dos bombas en el metro de Moscú.

Los cuerpos de seguridad sostienen que los dos atentados fueron organizados por grupos terroristas del Cáucaso Norte de Rusia.



La conexión chechena con los atentados de Moscú

El líder rebelde checheno ha llamado a imponer la ley islámica.

El doble ataque al metro de Moscú dejó decenas de muertos y heridos en un incidente que las autoridades califican de atentado terrorista. ¿Pero quién pudo haber estado detrás del golpe más sangriento a la capital rusa en seis años? ¿Qué motivos podrían haber tenido las mujeres suicidas?

Para el servicio de inteligencia, las explosiones parecen estar vinculadas con insurgentes del Cáucaso Norte, asegura Nick Childs, corresponsal de seguridad y defensa de la BBC.

Al menos eso es lo que se desprende de la información difundida tras los ataques de este lunes. El dedo de la sospecha apuntó rápidamente hacia ese lado, afirma Childs.

Si se trataran de ataques coordinados, tal como parece, serían los más sangrientos en la capital rusa desde febrero de 2004, cuando 40 personas murieron en una transitada línea de metro.

Aquél ataque también ocurrió en la mañana, en la hora de máxima concurrencia en el metro. Y también fue llevado a cabo por una mujer suicida del Cáucaso Norte.
Más adelante, en 2004, otra explosión en el metro mató a diez personas.

Mujeres suicidas

Las guerrillas que luchan por la secesión de la república de Chechenia de Rusia adoptaron por primera vez la táctica de los ataques suicidas en 2000.

En 2002 había mujeres en el grupo que mantuvo como rehén a un teatro de Moscú hasta que el edificio fue tomado por las autoridades, con un alto costo en vidas humanas. Iban vestidas con velos y pañuelos que indicaban su disposición a morir en combate.

Y al año siguiente llegó el primer ataque de mujeres suicidas. Atacaron durante la realización de un concierto de rock al aire libre y mataron a 15 personas.

Mujeres también fueron parte de la recordada toma de rehenes en la escuela de Beslán -en Osetia del Norte- en 2004. El hecho terminó con 334 fallecidos, incluidos 186 niños.

¿Las motivaciones?

Por ello no sorprende, explica Stephen Mulvey -analista de la BBC-, que Alexander Bortnikov, jefe del Servicio Federal de Seguridad (FSB), haya sugerido que las atacantes suicidas procedían del Cáucaso Norte.

La pregunta de por qué estas mujeres fueron preparadas para morir en aras de matar a otros ha sido respondida parcialmente.

Se ha dicho que dos de las mujeres que tomaron el teatro de Moscú eran hermanas que habían sido capturadas en una aldea chechena por soldados rusos y una banda de violadores.

En los últimos 14 años, añade Mulvey, los militares rusos han dejado una estela de destrucción, física y psicológica en Chechenia.

Innumerables mujeres quedaron viudas, o perdieron hijos, hermanos o esposos. Y aquellas que fueron violadas quizás encuentren imposible llevar una vida normal o casarse.

El síndrome de estrés postraumático -se asegura- es generalizado entre las mujeres chechenas.

Ley islámica

Uno de los más notorios líderes rebeldes chechenos, Shamil Basayev, quien fue asesinado en 2006, se jactaba de tener un batallón de mujeres suicidas.

Y el actual líder, Doku Umarov, ha sido declarado "emir" del Cáucaso Norte, un mosaico de repúblicas montañosas habitadas principalmente por musulmanes.

Él ha anunciado su intención de establecer la sharia -o ley islámica- en toda la región y ha descrito la lucha de Chechenia como parte de un enfrentamiento más amplio entre los musulmanes y Occidente.

Es poco probable, dice Mulvey, que dude en utilizar mujeres suicidas, quienes podrían haber despertado -al menos en el último tiempo- menos sospechas en la policía de Moscú que los hombres del Cáucaso Norte.

El doble atentado de este lunes, se estima en general, podría ser en represalia por un ataque el mes pasado de las fuerzas rusas en Ingusetia, vecina de Chechenia, en el que 20 insurgentes murieron, entre ellos el presunto líder de un atentado contra un tren de Moscú a San Petersburgo en noviembre.


Atentado en el metro de Moscú cometido por dos Mujeres islamitas "kamikazes"

Dos mujeres suicidas matan a casi 40 personas en el metro de Moscú

Dos explosiones en el metro de Moscú, en las estaciones de Lubyanka y Park Kultury, han provocado decenas de muertos y numerosos heridos. La Fiscalía rusa apunta a que los atentados han podido ser causados por terroristas suicidas

* Serían dos mujeres mujeres suicidas del Cáucaso Norte
* Este lunes murieron al menos 38 personas y otras 70 resultaron heridas en una cadena de atentados en el metro de Moscú.
* Algunas versiones indican que la Policía de Moscú podría haber tenido conocimiento previo sobre los atentados.

Cerca de 40 personas han perdido la vida en dos atentados casi simultáneos ocurridas a primera hora de esta mañana en estaciones céntricas del metro de Moscú. Según las Fuerzas de Seguridad rusas, los atentados han sido causados por sendas terroristas suicidas.

La primera de las bombas ha explotado al filo de las ocho de la mañana, en plena hora punta, en Lubyanka y ha provocado al menos 26 muertos y once heridos (ver imágenes del atentado). Esta estación está situada bajo la sede del cuartel general del Servicio Federal de Seguridad, la inteligencia rusa heredera del KGB soviético, y es una de las estaciones cercanas a la Plaza Roja y el Kremlin.

La portavoz del Ministerio ruso de Emergencias, Irina Andrianova, ha indicado que «la explosión ha afectado al segundo vagón del convoy de metro en la estación de Lubyanka a las 7.56 hora local (5.56 hora peninsular española) y las víctimas se encuentran entre los pasajeros que había dentro del vagón y en el andén».

«Según los datos preliminares, fue detonado un artefacto explosivo equivalente a entre 500 gramos y dos kilos de TNT», ha explicado una fuente policial a la agencia RIA Novosti. La bomba estaba colocada a la altura del pecho de la terrorista.

«Las partes del cuerpo encontradas en el lugar de los hechos nos permiten afirmar que era una mujer», precisó. La fuente señala que la mayoría de las víctimas eran personas jóvenes.
La segunda explosión ha tenido lugar en la también céntrica estación de Parque de Cultura (Parque Gorki)a las 8.38 horas (6.38 hora peninsular española) y según fuentes de los servicios de seguridad rusos citados por la agencia Interfax habría entre 12 y 15 muertos y numerosos heridos.

Las fuerzas de seguridad rusas han hallado un cinturón de explosivos intacto en la estación de Parque de la Cultura, según informó una fuente del Servicio Federal de Seguridad (FSB), los servicios secretos rusos.
Las autoridades moscovitas han declarado día de luto para mañana martes, 30 de marzo, en homenaje a las víctimas del doble atentado suicida. El anuncio que recoge Ep fue realizado por el portavoz del Ayuntamiento de Moscú, Sergei Tsoi, quien también comunicó que las autoridades de la ciudad concederá una ayuda médica a todas las víctimas.

Pavel Y. Novikov, electricista de 25 años, fue evacuado de la estación del Parque de la Cultura 15 minutos después de la explosión. “Olía a goma quemada. Ví sangre por todos los sitios y gente con ropa ensangrentada. Era horrible”, describe.
Kirill Gribov, universitario de 20 años, viajaba en un tren que llegó a Parque de la Cultura en el momento en que la terrorista suicida detonó su explosivo en la plataforma.
“La explosión fue tan fuerte que nos quedamos sordos. Recuerdo una nube de gas que salió del tren frente al nuestro, de color rosa, quizá por la sangre. Algunos gritaban, otros estaban paralizados, pero todos pudimos salir de la estación. En la calle me dí cuenta de la brutalidad de lo ocurrido".

Las agencias rusas informaban de una tercera explosión en la estación de metro de la Avenida de la Paz, en Moscú, pero el Ministerio de Protección Civil lo desmentía después. Las líneas del metropolitano donde se han producido las explosiones han sido cerradas, lo que ha provocado el caos y el pánico entre los viajeros.
Dos mujeres suicidas matan a casi 40 personas en el metro de Moscú

Hacía tiempo que no tenían lugar atentados terroristas en Moscú de tal envergadura. Los últimos se registraron en el año 2004. En el Cáucaso Norte, sin embargo, los ataques se repiten sin cesar.

El presidente ruso, Dmitri Medvédev, puso fin al régimen especial antiterrorista en Chechenia el pasado abril por considerar “normalizada” la situación. A partir de entonces, la situación no ha hecho más que empeorar. Los rebeldes chechenos anunciaron una campaña de atentados por todo el país. En noviembre, consiguieron colocar una bomba en la línea de ferrocarril Moscú-San Petersburgo y hacer descarrilar el tren “Nevski Express”.

Mujeres suicidas del Cáucaso Norte han perpetrado los ataques

El jefe del Servicio Federal de Seguridad (FSB), Alexandr Bórtnikov, aseguró hoy que unas mujeres suicidas procedentes del Cáucaso Norte perpetraron hoy los dos atentados contra el metro de Moscú que dejaron más de treinta muertos. "Según los datos preliminares, los atentados fueron cometidos por grupos terroristas que tienen relación con el Cáucaso Norte. 

Esta es la versión principal", señaló Bórtnikov al informar al presidente ruso, Dmitri Medvédev, según las agencias rusas. Bórtnikov aseguró que "en el lugar de las explosiones se encontraron fragmentos de los cuerpos de dos mujeres suicidas (...), que se cree que proceden del Cáucaso Norte". Las fuerzas de seguridad rusas buscan ahora a otras dos mujeres que acompañaban a las terroristas suicidas hasta la entrada del metro moscovita y que fueron filmadas por las cámaras de seguridad del metro. 

El FSB (antiguo KGB), cuya sede se encuentra en la misma plaza Lubyanka, en cuyo metro fue cometido uno de los atentados, ha abierto una investigación para aclarar quién cometió y organizó los ataques terroristas. Según el Ministerio de Situaciones de Emergencia, al menos 37 personas murieron y 65 resultaron heridas, la mitad de ellas graves, en los atentados perpetrados en hora punta en las estaciones

Lubyanka y Park Kultury. El atentado más grave cometido en Rusia por mujeres kamikazes del Cáucaso Norte tuvo lugar en agosto de 2004, en vísperas de la matanza de Beslán, cuando dos aviones de pasajeros explotaron en el aire matando a cerca de un centenar de personas.



Trece heridos en disturbios entre grupos hindúes y musulmanes de Hyderabad

Al menos trece personas resultaron heridas anoche en disturbios registrados en la importante ciudad de Hyderabad (sur de la India) entre grupos hindúes y musulmanes, informó hoy una fuente policial.

Las autoridades han ordenado el despliegue de la Fuerza Paramilitar de Acción Rápida (RAF) y de la Policía regional de Andhra para controlar la situación en varios barrios de la ciudad, donde la situación continúa siendo tensa aunque sin incidentes.

Los enfrentamientos comenzaron este sábado noche en el barrio de Musa Bowli, cuando un grupo de hindúes comenzó a sustituir unas banderas verdes, típicas de las fiestas islámicas, por otras de color naranja, con ocasión de un festivo del dios hindú Hanuman.

Pronto comenzó una discusión entre miembros de ambos credos que degeneró en insultos y lanzamientos de piedras, así como en una serie de ataques contra centros religiosos, coches, tiendas y viviendas que perduró hasta entrada la madrugada de hoy.

Según dijo a IANS el comisario de Policía A. K. Khan, trece personas, entre ellas dos periodistas, resultaron heridas durante los enfrentamientos y las cargas de la Policía, mientras que varios ciudadanos huyeron de sus casas en las áreas más afectadas.

A la zona se desplazaron diputados locales de la organización musulmana Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) y del partido nacionalista hindú Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

El diputado del MIM Ahmed Pasha Khadri acusó a la Policía de permanecer impasible ante la destrucción de las casas de musulmanes, y acusó a las fuerzas del orden de recurrir a cargas injustificadas contra los jóvenes.

El líder del BJP G. Ramaswamy, sin embargo, acusó a los musulmanes de la zona de crear problemas con la instalación de las banderas hindúes, después de haber instalado las suyas sin que nadie les criticara por ello.

Hyderabad, uno de los enclaves de servicios más importantes de la India, donde vive una pujante minoría musulmana que se concentra en los barrios históricos de la ciudad, que no habían registrado grandes disturbios religiosos en las últimas dos décadas.

Los musulmanes indios, unos 140 millones de personas, componen un 13,4 por ciento de la población india, aunque ocupan apenas un 5 por ciento de los puestos públicos en las instituciones oficiales y su acceso a la educación sigue siendo muy deficiente.

Desde la independencia del subcontinente, en 1947, el país ha sufrido unos brotes esporádicos de violencia religiosa que en ocasiones adquieren tintes de matanzas, como ocurrió en la región de Gujarat (oeste), en el año 2002, con más de 1.000 muertos.

EFE - Nueva Delhi



Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2010.09.21 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Two people are shot to death by Boko Harem Islamists in a motorbike drive-by.
2010.09.21 Afghanistan Parwan 5 5 Five construction workers are taken apart by Taliban bombers.
2010.09.21 Algeria Bordj Menaiel 2 3 Fundamentalists take down two local security personnel with a roadside blast.
2010.09.19 Iraq Baghdad 19 58 Islamic bombers disassemble nineteen people waiting in line at a cell phone provider.
2010.09.19 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Two minibus passengers are taken down by a roadside bomb.
2010.09.19 India New Delhi 0 2 Two Taiwanese tourists riding a bus are shot by Mujahideen.
2010.09.19 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 8 The Taliban send a mortar into a family home, killing at least one.
2010.09.19 Iraq Baghdad 12 36 A vicious bomb blast takes down a dozen innocents.
2010.09.19 Tajikistan Rasht 25 20 Islamists ambush and kill twenty-five Tajik troops along the border.
2010.09.19 Iraq Fallujah 6 14 Six Iraqis are blown to bits by Jihadi car bombers.
2010.09.19 Afghanistan Balkh 3 0 Three election workers are kidnapped and brutally murdered by Religion of Peace enthusiasts.
2010.09.19 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two elderly Buddhist villagers are shot to death in their homes by Islamic gunmen.
2010.09.19 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Muslim terrorists murder a Buddhist man and his wife and set fire to their house.
2010.09.19 Afghanistan Kunduz 8 0 Eight children bleed out following a Taliban rocket attack.
2010.09.19 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia man is murdered by Sunni gunmen.
2010.09.18 Afghanistan Zabul 3 0 Taliban bombers take out three Afghans.
2010.09.18 Iran Iranshahr 1 0 Jundallah (Soldiers of God) kidnap a civilian and kill him during a rescue attempt.
2010.09.18 Afghanistan Sharsharak 3 4 Children are the casualties of a vicious bombing by Islamic fundamentalists.
2010.09.18 Afghanistan Kunar 1 1 A voter and a woman are shot by Sunni terrorists at a polling station.
2010.09.18 Afghanistan Asadabad 1 1 A child is murdered by a Taliban rocket attack.
2010.09.18 Afghanistan Baghlan 7 5 Seven locals are killed in an Islamist assault on a voting station.
2010.09.18 Afghanistan Nazyan 2 1 Two people are killed by a Taliban rocket attack.
2010.09.18 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A civilian is brought down by Sunni gunmen.
2010.09.17 Afghanistan Balkh 9 0 Nine people are dismembered when a horse-drawn cart gets blasted by Taliban bombers.
2010.09.17 Iraq Hawija 4 9 Jihadi bombers take down four civilians with a roadside blast.
2010.09.16 Iraq Abu Saida 2 0 A man and his wife are gunned down by al-Qaeda.
2010.09.16 Somalia Mogadishu 3 6 Islamic militia send mortars into a government complex, killing at least three.
2010.09.16 Yemen Shabwa 2 0 al-Qaeda ambush two local security personnel, leaving both dead.
2010.09.16 Philippines Basilan 3 0 Abu Sayyaf militants shoot three local soldiers to death in a surprise attack.
2010.09.16 Afghanistan Ghazni 5 2 Five employees of a security firm are brutally murdered in their office by Taliban fundamentalists.
2010.09.16 Iraq Samarrah 3 6 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out three Iraqis.
2010.09.16 Pakistan Khar 2 0 Islamic militants attack a home, killing two people inside, including a teen.
2010.09.16 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Islamic 'insurgents' riddle a Buddhist father and his teenage son with automatic weapons fire.
2010.09.15 Iraq Tal Afar 10 5 A minibus is blasted by Jihadi bombers, leaving ten riders dead.
2010.09.15 Afghanistan Balkh 2 0 Two election workers are gunned down in cold blood by religious radicals.
2010.09.15 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 Two children are murdered by Taliban bombers.
2010.09.14 Pakistan Hangu 1 0 Islamists shoot a journalist to death outside a press club.
2010.09.14 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two men are gunned down in separate attacks.
2010.09.14 Ingushetia Nazran 0 1 An imam who spoke out against Islamic terrorism is quickly neutralized by a car bomb.
2010.09.14 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A woman of 'ill-repute' is hanged in her own home by suspected fundamentalists.
2010.09.13 Iraq Baghdad 4 6 Four Iraqis are murdered in separate Mujahideen attacks, including a father in front of his family.
2010.09.13 India Poonch 1 0 Islamic terrorists abduct a civilian from his home and murder him.
2010.09.13 India Pulwama 1 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba radicals intrude into a local soldier's home and shoot him to death.
2010.09.13 Pakistan Kurram 6 4 A half dozen people are sent to Allah by suspected Tarik-e-Taliban bombers.
2010.09.12 Indonesia Bekasi 0 2 Holy Warriors beat a pastor with a board and stab a worshipper in the stomach as there are on their way to church.
2010.09.12 Somalia Mogadishu 5 24 Five Somalis are blown to bits when Islamic militia detonate a bomb outside a mosque.
2010.09.12 Iraq Hudayyeb 1 1 Two men are shot, one of them an elderly man by his own al-Qaeda sons.
2010.09.12 Iraq Baquba 2 1 Two Iraqis are blown up by Jihadi bombers.
2010.09.12 Iraq Buhriz 1 3 A woman and two children are among the casualties of a vicious bombing.
2010.09.12 Afghanistan Helmand 2 12 Two locals are taken down by a bomb. A rocket attack elsewhere injures ten family members.
2010.09.12 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 Muslim extremists shoot a man to death in his car.
2010.09.11 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Two Iraqis die from splinter injuries after Jihadis send rockets into a commercial district.
2010.09.10 Ingushetia Nazran 1 0 Muslim separatists shoot a man to death outside an auto repair shop.
2010.09.10 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 An off-duty cop is gunned down at his father's home by Islamic radicals.
2010.09.09 Yemen Moudia 3 4 al-Qaeda assault a military checkpoint, killing three Yemenis.
2010.09.09 Iraq Baghdad 2 2 Two people are reportedly killed when gunmen open fire on an Anglican church in an incident tied to a threatened Quran burning.
2010.09.09 Pakistan Quetta 5 4 A suicide bomber detonates inside an official's home, taking five lives.
2010.09.09 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 Three Iraqis are taken out by Jihadi car bombers.
2010.09.09 Pakistan Khyber 3 0 Three laborers working in a forest are abducted and murdered by Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2010.09.09 Russia Vladikavkaz 18 123 A Shahid drives an explosives-laden vehicle into a market, blasting seventeen shoppers to bits.
2010.09.09 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 1 A cleric is beheaded and set on fire by Freedom Fighters.
2010.09.09 Iraq Abu Ghraib 1 0 A policeman is killed in his own home by terrorists.
2010.09.09 Somalia Mogadishu 9 3 Five Fedayeen suicide bombers storm an airport and kill nine others, including two women.
2010.09.09 Dagestan Derbent 2 0 Two men are gunned down in separate Mujahideen attacks.
2010.09.09 Pakistan Kurram 10 4 Militants murder ten bus passengers with an explosive device.
2010.09.09 Iraq Diyala 1 0 A woman is beheaded in her own home by suspected al-Qaeda 'insurgents'.
2010.09.09 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim separatists shoot a 52-year-old Buddhist in the head then kick his body under a bridge.
2010.09.08 Iraq Kirkuk 4 10 Four people are mudered by Islamic bombers.
2010.09.08 Pakistan Khyber 4 0 Four political activists are shot to death by suspected Taliban.
2010.09.08 Iraq Baghdad 3 12 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out three Iraqis.
2010.09.08 Iraq Baghdad 3 19 Three people are killed by a car bomb blast.
2010.09.08 Nigeria Bauchi 4 8 Boko Haram Islamists assault a prison, killing two employees and two civilians.
2010.09.07 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A TV anchor who tried to end sectarian violence is shot outside his home by a sectarian faction.
2010.09.07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A young Buddhist is gunned down in an Muslim drive-by attack.
2010.09.07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two middle aged Buddhist teachers, husband and wife, are murdered by Islamic radicals.
2010.09.07 Iraq Samarra 3 0 A married couple are among three family members slain in their home by Sunni gunmen.
2010.09.07 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 Mujahid manage to take down two Iraqis with a roadside bomb.
2010.09.07 Pakistan Punjab 2 0 Terrorists murder a man and his nephew.
2010.09.07 Pakistan Hangu 1 2 A police officer succumbs to injury after clinging to life for a few days following an Islamist bombing.
2010.09.07 Russia Baksanenok 1 0 Suspected Islamists assassinate a judge.
2010.09.07 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A woman is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2010.09.06 Tajikistan Dushanbe 0 7 Fundamentalists toss a bomb into a disco.
2010.09.06 Iraq Samarra 5 0 Five construction workers building a youth center are stabbed and shot to death in a barbaric Mujahideen attack.
2010.09.06 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A 45-year-old news anchor is the target of a 'brutal beheading' near his home.
2010.09.06 Algeria Skikda 3 2 al-Qaeda murder three local cops with a roadside bomb.
2010.09.06 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 19 46 Nine schoolchildren are among nineteen innocent lives snuffed out by Holy Warrior suicide bombers.
2010.09.06 Afghanistan Baghlan 2 0 The Taliban kill a district governor and his bodyguard in an ambush.
2010.09.06 Afghanistan Paktika 3 5 Freedom fighters shoot three children to death.
2010.09.06 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 The body of a lawyer is found riddled with bullets six weeks after his abduction.
2010.09.06 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A janitor is among two civilians assassinated by Muslim gunmen in separate attacks.
2010.09.06 Thailand Yala 1 0 A middle-aged woman is shot to death by Mujahid while walking home.
2010.09.06 Pakistan Kohat 21 40 Women and children are most of the two dozen victims in a powerful suicide blast on their residential compound.
2010.09.06 Algeria Tebessa 2 0 Fundamentalists kill two local security personnel with a bomb.
2010.09.05 Yemen Abyan 3 0 Three people are shot to death in an al-Qaeda ambush.
2010.09.05 Iraq Baghdad 12 36 Six Fedayeen attack a government building, killing a dozen Iraqis.
2010.09.05 Nigeria Borno 2 4 A trader is among two men shot to death by Boko Haram Islamists.
2010.09.05 Pakistan Punjab 1 0 An oil rig driver is killed by Islamic snipers.
2010.09.05 Dagestan Buinaksk 5 36 A Shahid suicide car bomber sends five other souls to Allah.
2010.09.04 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 11 Three civilians including a child are blown to bits by a Fedayeen martyr.
2010.09.04 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Islamist open fire on two civilians riding a motorcycle, killing one.
2010.09.04 Pakistan Sindh 2 0 The wife and nephew of a police officer are murdered by suspected radicals.
2010.09.04 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 0 Sunni extremists behead a Shia businessman.
2010.09.04 Afghanistan Kunduz 7 17 A child is among seven murdered by a Shahid suicide bomber outside a butcher shop.
2010.09.04 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 3 Terrorists manage to kill one person with a car bomb.
2010.09.04 Afghanistan Faryab 3 5 Three local cops are exterminated in a brutal ambush.
2010.09.03 Azerbaijan Gumbashly 1 1 One dead as a 'religious dispute' between mosque members results in gunfire.
2010.09.03 Somalia Galgala 5 0 At least five Puntland soliders are killed in an ambush by Islamic militants.
2010.09.03 Pakistan Peshawar 1 3 Muslim militants slay a local cop with a roadside bomber.
2010.09.03 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An imam is gunned down outside his mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2010.09.03 Pakistan Quetta 73 149 Over sixty innocents are slaughtered when a suicide bomber targets a Shia procession.
2010.09.03 Iraq Baghdad 4 4 Four Iraqis are shot or blown up around the country by Mujahideen.
2010.09.03 Tajikistan Khujand 2 25 A suicide bomber injures twenty-five and kills 2.
2010.09.03 Pakistan Mardan 1 2 A Sunni suicide bomber detonates at an Ahmadiyya (minority sect) mosque, killing one.
2010.09.02 Iraq Baiji 2 5 Suspected al-Qaeda shoot two opponents to death.
2010.09.02 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 A taxi driver and senior education ministry official are gunned down in separate attacks.
2010.09.02 Pakistan Kyber 1 0 Mujahideen kidnap and brutally murder a taxi driver returning from a friend's funeral.
2010.09.02 Pakistan Bajaur 1 2 A female teacher is shot to death by Holy Warriors.
2010.09.02 Pakistan Turbat 2 8 Sunni gunmen open fire on a bus full of Shia pilgrims, killing at least two.
2010.09.02 Sudan Tabra 74 79 Janjiweed militia on camels sweep through a market and slaughter over seventy people, including eighteen children.
2010.09.02 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A 35-year-old man is murdered in an Islamist drive-by.
2010.09.01 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 49-year-old security worker is shot to death as he is riding home from work.
2010.09.01 Pakistan Lahore 43 270 Over thirty Shia pilgrims in a procession are dismantled by a car bomb blast and two Sunni suicide bombers.
2010.09.01 Afghanistan Helmand 0 15 Fifteen people at a market are badly injured, many with limbs torn from their bodies, by a Taliban blast.
2010.09.01 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A Buddhist couple in their 50's are brutally murdered by Jihadi gunmen.
2010.09.01 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 2 Two Afghans are blown to bits by a Taliban bomb hidden on a motorcycle.
2010.09.01 Algeria Boumerdes 2 26 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills two local soldiers and injures dozens more.
2010.09.01 Israel Samaria 0 2 A rabbi and his wife are shot by Palestinian terrorists while riding in their car.
2010.09.01 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A young mother is burned to death by her in-laws in a suspected honor killing.
2010.09.01 Iraq Mosul 3 6 A woman is among three Iraqis taken down by a Jihadi bombing and shooting attack.
2010.08.31 India Kishtwar 1 0 A cop is murdered inside his home by Hizb-ul- Mujahideen.
2010.08.31 Israel Hebron 4 0 A pregnant woman is among four young Jews gunned down in cold blood by Hamas terrorists.
2010.08.31 Afghanistan Kabul 11 0 Eleven US troops on security patrol are killed in three roadside bombings.
2010.08.31 Iraq Mosul 2 1 Two brothers are shot to death by suspected Mujahideen.
2010.08.31 Somalia Las Anod 1 0 A man is shot outside his doorstep by Islamic militia.
2010.08.31 India Bandipora 1 2 An Indian soldier is ambushed and killed by Pakistani terrorists.
2010.08.31 Afghanistan Badakhshan 3 0 Three Oxmam humanitarian workers are taken out in a brutal roadside blast.
2010.08.31 Pakistan Kurram 7 1 At least one woman and two children are among seven murdered in two home invasions by Religion of Peace radicals.
2010.08.31 Afghanistan Kabul 3 12 Three supreme court employees are riddled with bullets by Holy Warriors.
2010.08.31 Somalia Mogadishu 8 14 Five men and three women are taken down by al-Shabaab bombers.
2010.08.30 Afghanistan Marjah 2 1 Two civilians are shot to death at a mosque by fundamentalists.
2010.08.30 Iraq Baghdad 1 3 Jihadi car bombers kill a civilian.
2010.08.30 Somalia Mogadishu 4 8 Four guards at the presidential palace are killed during an al-Shabaab mortar attack.
2010.08.30 Afghanistan Helman 1 0 An Estonian solder is murdered by Taliban bombers.
2010.08.30 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 3 The Taliban assassinate a local official with a bomb.
2010.08.29 Chechnya Tsentoroi 7 5 A wave of armed Islamists attack a village, killing at least seven.
2010.08.29 Philippines Bukidnon 0 2 'Irate Muslims' throw a grenade into a Catholic church during mass.
2010.08.29 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A middle-aged Buddhist couple are shot to death in their pickup by Islamic separatists.
2010.08.29 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 2-year-old boy dies after being shot in the head by Muslim militants.
2010.08.29 Afghanistan Kabul 6 0 Five election workers and a candidate are kidnapped and murdered by Taliban freedom fighters.
2010.08.29 Iraq Mosul 5 12 A woman is among five Iraqis murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2010.08.29 Pakistan Khyber 2 4 The Taliban kill two local soldiers with a roadside bomb.
2010.08.28 Yemen Abyan 10 2 Ten local soldiers are ambushed and killed by terrorists who burn their bodies while chanting 'Allah akbar.'
2010.08.28 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 40-year-old man is shot in the head by Muslim militants.
2010.08.28 Pakistan Khyber 1 0 A local soldier is kidnapped and shot full of holes by Mujahideen.
2010.08.27 Iraq Mahaweel 2 0 A blast takes down two civilians.
2010.08.27 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 21-year-old man is murdered by Muslim gunmen.
2010.08.27 Iraq Baaj 3 0 Three Iraqis are gunned down by Muhahid.
2010.08.27 Nigeria Borno 3 0 Boko Haram Islamists shoot three policemen to death in two drive-bys.
2010.08.27 Iraq Mosul 1 0 The body of a Christian man is found several days after he is kidnapped.
2010.08.27 Iraq Kirkuk 1 3 A child is taken down by Islamic bombers.
2010.08.27 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A middle-aged Buddhist couple is brutally murdered by Muslim gunmen as they are returning from market.
2010.08.27 Pakistan Ghaziabad 1 0 A 35-year-old mother of three is killed by her brother on suspicion of unauthorized sex.
2010.08.27 Iraq Shurqat 3 3 A suspected al-Qaeda attack leaves three dead.
2010.08.27 Thailand Yala 1 0 A young woman is shot to death by Religion of Peace proponents.
2010.08.26 Iraq Muqdadiya 6 0 Six Sunnis are gunned down by suspected al-Qaeda.
2010.08.26 Afghanistan Kunduz 8 1 Eight policemen are machine-gunned to death by Taliban ambushers.
2010.08.26 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 42-year-old civilian dies from injuries after being shot twice in the chest by Muslim militants.
2010.08.26 Iraq Mosul 4 11 Children are among the casualties in a series of Mujahideen attacks.
2010.08.26 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 Islamists murder the son of a surrendered militant.
2010.08.26 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 52-year-old man is killed in a Muslim ambush.
2010.08.26 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 30-year-old teacher is shot to death by Islamic radicals while leaving school.
2010.08.26 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim terrorists gun down a Buddhist railway worker.
2010.08.26 Philippines Balili 4 0 Maranao Muslims pull four people off a bus and shoot them to death.
2010.08.26 Somalia Mogadishu 14 8 Fourteen Somalis are shredded by two al-Shabaab bomb blasts.
2010.08.25 Afghanistan Badghis 3 0 Two Spanish soldiers training local cops are shot to death along with their translator by their driver.
2010.08.25 Pakistan Mohmand 2 2 A mother and her 9-year-old child are brutally murdered by Islamist gunmen.
2010.08.25 Pakistan Swat 3 6 Three Christian aid workers helping flood victims are kidnapped and murdered by Islamic fundamentalists.
2010.08.25 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 57-year-old rubber tapper is killed by drive-by Jihadis.
2010.08.25 Iraq Baghdad 63 277 Jihadis take out over sixty Iraqis in a series of coordinated blasts from Basra to Kut.
2010.08.25 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 Islamic militants shoot a tax collector to death on his way home.
2010.08.25 Yemen Zinjibar 4 1 al-Qaeda gunmen on motorcycles massacre four security men in a drive-by.
2010.08.24 Iraq Baqubah 3 13 Three Iraqis are taken out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2010.08.24 Somalia Mogadishu 33 150 A barbaric assault on a hotel by Muslim terrorists leaves women, children and more than a dozen visiting lawmakers dead.
2010.08.24 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 A man at a market and another in his home are among three gunned down by Muslim assassins.
2010.08.24 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A peace activist and father is killed in captivity by Sunni militants.
2010.08.24 Mali Bamako 1 0 An older pensioner taken prisoner by al-Qaeda is murdered in captivity.
2010.08.24 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 A young man is abducted and murdered by Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2010.08.24 Iraq Fallujah 2 2 Two children are successfully killed by Mujahideen bombers in a blast that also leaves their mother wounded.
2010.08.23 Iraq Baghdad 3 15 A mortar attack and separate bombing at a coffee shop leave three dead.
2010.08.23 Pakistan Kurram 8 10 Islamist bombers take out seven tribal elders and a teacher at a school.
2010.08.23 Pakistan South Waziristan 26 40 A suicide bomber at a seminary sends two-dozen other souls to Allah.
2010.08.23 Thailand Pattani 2 4 Two civilians are machine-gunned to death by Muslim insurgents in separate attacks.
2010.08.23 Pakistan Matni 3 3 Three people are blown to bits by Mujahid bombers at a market
2010.08.23 Iraq Baiji 7 0 Suspected al-Qaeda shoot seven oil workers to death.
2010.08.23 Pakistan Landikotal 2 0 Local Taliban burn two men alive in their truck.
2010.08.22 Tajikistan Dushanbe 5 1 Islamic militants beat five prison guards to death.
2010.08.22 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 Sunni terrorists gun down an innocent Shia father of two young children.
2010.08.22 India Pulwama 1 0 Islamic radicals murder the son of a welfare employee.
2010.08.22 Pakistan Peshawar 1 3 A civilian is taken down in a militant ambush.
2010.08.22 Iraq Mussayab 1 11 One employee is killed when a sectarian bomb blast rips through a store.
2010.08.22 India Kulgam 2 0 A mother and her teen daughter are brutally murdered in their own home by Religion of Peace gunmen.
2010.08.21 Afghanistan Paktika 8 5 Eight Afghans are murdered by Taliban bombers in two attacks.
2010.08.21 Afghanistan Helmand 6 0 Six Afghan cops are bound and executed by religious hardliners.
2010.08.21 Pakistan Baghlia 6 5 Six members of a peace committee are blow to bits by Mujahid bombers.
2010.08.21 Afghanistan Heart 2 0 Two men are shot to death by the Taliban (the second in Kandahar).
2010.08.21 Ethiopia Addis Ababa 0 1 A popular church leader is brutally assaulted by Muslims with wooden clubs.
2010.08.21 Iraq Baghdad 3 1 Three cops are taken down by Islamic terrorists in separate attacks.
2010.08.21 Dagestan Kizlyar 1 3 Children are among the casualties when Jihadis attempt to blow up a passing car.
2010.08.20 Afghanistan Helmand 30 17 Some thirty workers and guards are massacred when Islamic fundamentalists assault a construction company.
2010.08.20 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A civilian is brutally executed and tied between two roadside bombs by the Taliban.
2010.08.20 Yemen Loder 11 0 Eleven local soldiers are killed when al-Qaeda militants fire a rocket into a passing vehicle.
2010.08.20 Pakistan Sanghar 1 0 A leader of the peaceful Ahmadi sect is shot in the head by orthodox Sunni.
2010.08.20 Iraq Baghdad 3 6 Jihadis shoot an electrical worker to death and take out two other civilians with a bomb.
2010.08.20 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 2 1 Islamic militants are suspected of gunning down two cops.
2010.08.20 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 63-year-old civilian is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2010.08.19 Afghanistan Nangarhar 2 14 Two civilians are killed when the Taliban blow up a fuel truck.
2010.08.19 Algeria Baghlia 3 4 Fundamentalists ambush a group of soldiers, killing three.
2010.08.19 Afghanistan Logar 2 0 The bodies of two men are discovered after they were kidnapped and murdered in captivity.
2010.08.19 Pakistan Orakzai 1 0 A security guard is gunned down by Muslim militants.
2010.08.19 Iraq Mosul 3 4 A kidnapped civilian is among three Iraqis murdered in separate attacks.
2010.08.19 China Xinjiang 7 14 An explosives-laden vehicle is plowed into a crowd and detonated, leaving seven dead.
2010.08.19 Yemen Abyan 2 1 al-Qaeda militants machine-gun two cops to death at point-blank range.
2010.08.18 Iraq Diyala 3 0 Three brothers are brutally murdered on their own farm by Mujahideen.
2010.08.18 Iraq Mosul 4 2 Four Iraqis are taken down in separate terror attacks.
2010.08.18 Iraq Tikrit 2 3 Two civilians are blown to bits by a Jihadi bomb.
2010.08.18 Pakistan Nazimabad 1 0 A children's doctor is shot to death by sectarian rivals.
2010.08.18 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 A 62-year-old woman is murdered outside her own home by Islamic fundamentalists.
2010.08.18 India Sopore 1 2 Islamic militants attack a lawmaker's home, killing a guard.
2010.08.18 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A suicide bomber takes out an Afghan cop.
2010.08.18 India Kulgam 2 0 Two civilians grazing cattle are abducted and murdered by Religion of Peace radicals.
2010.08.17 Iraq Baghdad 61 129 Over sixty young Iraqis lining up for work are senselessly cut to shreds by a Shahid suicide nail-bomber.
2010.08.17 Russia North Ossetia 2 23 Two people are dead and twenty-three others injured in a suicide attack and separate cafe bombing.
2010.08.17 Iraq Diyala 3 0 An auditor and two judges are assassinated by Islamic terrorists in separate attacks.
2010.08.17 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A leader of a minority religious sect is gunned down by mainstream rivals.
2010.08.17 Iraq Baghdad 10 46 Sunni militants detonate a fuel tanker in a Shia neighborhood, incinerating ten innocents.
2010.08.17 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 A civilian is killed when Mujahideen toss a grenade at a police station.
2010.08.17 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 8 0 Eight civilians are murdered by a Taliban bomb attack on a home.
2010.08.17 Afghanistan Zabul 2 0 A man and his wife are shot to death in their home by religious extremists.
2010.08.17 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 Two civilians are murdered at a mosque by Taliban gunmen.
2010.08.16 Somalia Mogadishu 9 53 Nine refugees are killed when al-Shabaab Islamists attack a displaced persons camp.
2010.08.16 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 0 A couple in their 20's is stoned by Islamic fundamentalists for having sex. The man has to be finished off with a gunshot.
2010.08.16 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 5 A remote-controlled bomb on a bridge takes out two civilians.
2010.08.16 Pakistan Karachi 4 0 Sunnis shoot four Shia to death in separate attacks.
2010.08.16 Iraq Muqdadiya 4 9 Four Iranian pilgrims on a bus are targeted and killed by Sunni bombers. Women and children are among the victims.
2010.08.16 Afghanistan Farah 2 0 Two people are killed when Taliban gunmen fire into a bazaar.
2010.08.16 Afghanistan Heart 5 2 Three women and a child are among five civilians killed by a Taliban bomb attack on their car.
2010.08.16 Somalia Elasha Biyaha 1 0 A cleric who advocated peace is assassinated by Islamists.
2010.08.15 Iraq Numaniya 1 0 Muslim gunmen murder an Iraqi pharmacist who had returned from studies in the U.S.
2010.08.15 Iraq Jurf al-Sakhar 3 2 Three worshippers are shot to death outside a mosque by sectarian rivals.
2010.08.14 Egypt Shimi 0 11 Eleven Christians are injured in assaults by Muslims stirred to anger by a local cleric.
2010.08.14 Thailand Yala 2 0 A Buddhist man and wife are brutally murdered by Muslim gunmen while riding to their plantation.
2010.08.14 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A local cop is shot to death by Islamic militants while traveling to work.
2010.08.14 Iraq Baghdad 6 15 Islamic terrorists take down six Iraqis in a series of attacks, including policemen who were set on fire.
2010.08.14 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 0 A local cop is shot to death by Uzbeki Islamists.
2010.08.14 Pakistan Sindh 2 8 A woman and boy are left dead when Muslim rivals attack each other over where to build a madrasah.
2010.08.14 Afghanistan Dam Abad 3 1 Three children are torn apart by a rocket fired into their home by Islamic hardliners.
2010.08.14 India Sopore 1 0 Islamic terrorists kidnap and murder a civilian.
2010.08.13 Afghanistan Herat 4 12 The Taliban ambush a convoy of security guards, killing four.
2010.08.13 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 Sunni fundamentalists are suspected of firing into a barbershop, killing the owner.
2010.08.13 Yemen Lahj 1 0 A man is gunned down in an al-Qaeda drive-by outside a mosque.
2010.08.12 Iraq Baaj 4 0 A bomb placed by Jihadis kills four disposal workers.
2010.08.11 India Rajouri 2 21 Lashkar e-Toiba terrorists fire on a bus, murdering two civilians, including a woman.
2010.08.11 Iraq Baghdad 1 1 Jihadis gun down two cops and kill a civilian with a bomb.
2010.08.11 Pakistan Mohmand 1 3 A woman is killed, and her three sons injured, when militants fire a rocket into their home.
2010.08.11 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shias are shot to death by Sunnis in separate drive-by attacks.
2010.08.11 Iraq Sadiya 11 4 Islamists lure eight police to their deaths by first killing three members of a family and then booby-trapping the house.
2010.08.10 Iraq Baghdad 5 16 Terrorists take down five Iraqis with two bombs.
2010.08.10 Afghanistan Kabul 5 1 Blood and body parts are scattered about following a double suicide attack that leaves five Afghans dead.
2010.08.10 Afghanistan Helmand 5 0 Five local security personnel are killed when Islamic fundamentalists fire a rocket through their vehicle.
2010.08.10 India Baramulla 3 0 Islamic radicals machine-gun three cops to death.
2010.08.10 Pakistan Mohmand 3 0 Three members of a security patrol are killed in an ambush by Islamic militants.
2010.08.09 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim terrorists stab and partially behead a young plantation worker.
2010.08.09 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 Three traffic cops are taken down by Jihadi bombers.
2010.08.09 Afghanistan Badghis 1 0 A pregnant woman accused of adultery is whipped 200 times and then shot three times in the head by Islamic fundamentalists.
2010.08.08 Indonesia Bekasi 0 12 A mob of hundreds of Muslims chase and beat Christian worshippers after disrupting their service.
2010.08.08 Iraq Fallujah 4 14 Four civilians lose their lives in two car bombings.
2010.08.08 Iraq Ramadi 8 50 Eight Iraqis are pasted by Jihadi bombers.
2010.08.07 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 A British father of four is shot to death by a Taliban prisoner who seizes a weapon on his way to a prayer session.
2010.08.07 Afghanistan Maiwand 1 1 A child is murdered by Sunni bombers.
2010.08.07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 43-year-old Buddhist woman is brutally machine-gunned to death by Muslim radicals on her farm.
2010.08.07 Iraq Basra 43 185 Over forty people are massacred by Islamic terrorists at a market. Most burn to death in a fire caused by bombs.
2010.08.07 Iraq Garma 3 15 al-Qaeda militants detonate a bomb outside a home, killing three residents.
2010.08.07 Afghanistan Nuristan 10 0 Ten members of a medical team, including Christian doctors, are pulled out of their cars and executed by devout Muslim fundamentalists, who spare an Afghan able to recite the Quran.
2010.08.07 Thailand Pattani 2 1 A Buddhist husband and wife are murdered by Muslim gunmen in their motorcycle shop. Their 4-year-old nephew is wounded.
2010.08.07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim terrorists kill an off-duty soldier on his motorcycle.
2010.08.07 Afghanistan Helmand 5 13 A bomb hidden in a wheelbarrow leaves five innocents dead.
2010.08.06 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 Muslim radicals shoot a woman to death.
2010.08.06 Iraq Baghdad 2 13 Two civilians are blown to bits by Jihadi bombers.
2010.08.05 India Baramulla 1 2 Islamic militants fire on a security patrol, killing one member.
2010.08.05 Philippines Zamboanga 5 24 A suicide bomber at an airport murders five other people.
2010.08.05 Pakistan Quetta 1 1 Islamic militants open fire on an oil tanker, killing the driver.
2010.08.05 Iraq Abu Ghraib 3 0 A woman is among three people shot to death in their home by Muslim radicals.
2010.08.05 Iraq Baghdad 6 8 Two shootings by terrorists take down six Iraqis.
2010.08.05 Iraq Tikrit 3 0 An al-Qaeda attack leaves three people dead.
2010.08.05 Yemen Abyan 3 1 al-Qaeda terrorists ambush and kill three members of a patrol.
2010.08.05 Afghanistan Kunduz 7 13 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders seven local police.
2010.08.05 Ingushetia Nazran 2 0 Two cops are gunned down by suspected Islamic separatists.
2010.08.04 Afghanistan Uruzgan 1 1 Terrorists detonate a bomb at a bazaar, killing one civilian.
2010.08.04 Pakistan Peshawar 4 11 A hero cop is among four blown apart by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2010.08.04 Somalia Bondhere 3 12 Three cleaning women are exterminated by an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2010.08.04 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 A young child is killed in a fundamentalist IED attack.
2010.08.04 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist is gunned down in an Islamist drive-by.
2010.08.03 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 The Islamic State of Iraq machine-guns five soldiers to death at point-blank range.
2010.08.03 Iraq Mosul 9 15 Two vicious bombings leave nine Iraqis dead.
2010.08.03 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 0 Two police officers are assassinated by Islamic separatists at a market.
2010.08.03 Iraq Kut 12 55 Two car bombs at a market leave a dozen people dead and fifty others wounded.
2010.08.02 Afghanistan Faryab 4 3 Four civilians are cut to pieces by Taliban gunmen.
2010.08.02 Iraq Baghdad 10 22 A coffee shop and a residential neighborhood are among a series of bomb blast sites that leave ten dead.
2010.08.02 Iraq Fallujah 3 7 A 4-year-old girl is among three sleeping family members murdered by Islamic bombers.
2010.08.02 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 1 Five children are blown apart by a suicide car bomber.
2010.08.02 Jordan Aqaba 1 5 A Palestinian rocket attack on an Israeli resort overshoots its mark and kills a taxi driver in Jordan.
2010.08.01 Pakistan South Waziristan 2 0 Religious extremists kill two local soldiers with a roadside bomb.
2010.07.31 Iraq Tarmiya 3 8 Three civilians on a minibus are taken out by Jihadi bombers.
2010.07.31 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 0 Two Afghan refugees are abducted and shot to death by Islamic fundamentalists.
2010.07.31 Iraq Yusufiya 4 11 Four rescue workers are lured to the scene of an earlier bombing and then blasted in a second attack.
2010.07.30 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A young pregnant woman is tortured and murdered in a suspected honor killing.
2010.07.30 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 1 A mother and child are exterminated by Jihadi bombers.
2010.07.30 Afghanistan Kunduz 3 19 Children are among the casualites when a suicide bomber detonates at a soccer game.
2010.07.30 Iraq Buhriz 4 0 Four members of a family are blasted to death by al-Qaeda bombers.
2010.07.29 Iraq Shurqat 4 11 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes down four Iraqis.
2010.07.29 Iraq Adhamiya 16 14 al-Qaeda terrorists stage a brutal attack on a neighborhood, killing sixteen people and burning their bodies.
2010.07.29 Pakistan Kurram 10 0 Shia terrorists pull ten Sunnis from their homes and shoot them to death, then torch the houses.
2010.07.29 Afghanistan Ghazni 8 3 Eight security guards are ambushed and murdered by religious extremists.
2010.07.28 Afghanistan Nimroz 25 20 Twenty-five bus passengers are murdered in a bloody bombing by Sunni fundamentalists.
2010.07.28 Iraq Mosul 5 6 A young girl is among five Iraqis murdered in a series of Mujahideen attacks.
2010.07.28 Iraq Baghdad 6 15 Six people waiting in line at a bank lose their place in life, courtesy of Muslim bombers.
2010.07.28 Iraq Karbala 16 37 Jihadis take down sixteen innocents in a rocket attack.
2010.07.28 Afghanistan Heart 2 0 Two Italian soldiers are killed by a Taliban roadside bomb while guarding a highway.
2010.07.28 Iraq Fallujah 2 8 Children are among the casualties of an Islamic bombing outside a rival mosque.
2010.07.28 Afghanistan Zabul 6 3 Six civilians are killed in two Taliban roadside bombings.
2010.07.27 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by Muslim militants in separate drive-bys.
2010.07.27 Somalia Mogadishu 13 40 At least thirteen civilians are killed when Hizbul Islam terrorists attack a government building.
2010.07.27 Nigeria Maiduguri 32 0 At least thirty-two policemen are assassinated and 'roasted like animals' by Boko Haram Islamists.
2010.07.27 Iraq Baghdad 1 4 A civilian is taken out by a roadside bomb.
2010.07.27 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 50-year-old villager is murdered outside his hom by Muslim gunmen.
2010.07.27 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Suspected Islamists storm a home and kill a woman and her son.
2010.07.27 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 26-year-old man is gunned down by Islamic insurgents.
2010.07.26 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 55-year-old Buddhist teacher is shot to death by Islamic militants while driving home.
2010.07.26 Pakistan Swat 4 4 Islamic gunmen ambush a family vehicle, leaving four dead, including two children.
2010.07.26 Pakistan Darra Adamkhel 5 0 Three children are killed when Islamic terrorists fire a rocket into a family home.
2010.07.26 Iraq Karbalah 40 68 Sunni bombers take out about forty Shia pilgrims in twin bombings.
2010.07.26 Iraq Baghdad 4 16 A suicide bomber targets a news channel staff, killing four members.
2010.07.26 Yemen Lahej 4 9 al-Qaeda gunmen take down four local soldiers in an ambush.
2010.07.26 Pakistan Peshawar 8 23 Two children are among eight people murdered when a suicide bomber detonates outside the home of a family mourning an earlier killing.
2010.07.25 Pakistan Khyber 2 0 Mujahideen pull two occupants out of a vehicle and shoot them in the back of the head.
2010.07.25 Yemen Shabwa 6 0 Six soldiers sitting in a car are machine-gunned to death by al-Qaeda at point-blank range.
2010.07.25 Algeria Kabylie 1 8 A suicide bomber murders a night watchman.
2010.07.25 Iraq Mosul 7 2 A child is among seven Iraqis killed in a Jihad bombing and separate shooting attack.
2010.07.25 Mali Baskno 1 0 al-Qaeda beheads a 78-year-old French hostage.
2010.07.24 Dagestan Kizlyarsky 3 0 Muslim militants shoot three local soldiers to death in their vehicle.
2010.07.24 Iraq Basra 1 4 An innocent civilian is murdered by a Jihad bomber.
2010.07.24 Iraq Mosul 2 18 A shooting and a bombing at a store, leave two people dead.
2010.07.24 Afghanistan Khost 1 20 Muslim radicals plant a bomb in a mosque that kills one person.
2010.07.24 Pakistan Naushehra 1 1 A young man is gunned down by the Taliban while standing outside his home.
2010.07.23 Dagestan Chernyaevka 2 4 Children are among the casualties when Muslim gunmen open up on a school bus in one of two separate attacks.
2010.07.23 Pakistan Bajaur 3 0 The Taliban blow three members of a peace committee to kingdom come.
2010.07.23 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 2 Two local cops are blown to bits by Sunni bombers.
2010.07.23 Afghanistan Logar 1 1 The Taliban ambush a vehicle carrying two US sailors, killing one and kidnapping the other.
2010.07.23 Jordan Deir Alla 1 0 A man machine-guns his 16-year-old niece after she loses her virginity from a sexual assault.
2010.07.23 India Poonch 1 1 An army officer is killed by a terrorist landmine.
2010.07.23 Pakistan Lahore 1 5 A police officer is taken down in an Islamist bombing.
